This is
again an Extension to my previous post on how we can perform edit on a table
populated from POJO. http://adfjavacodes.blogspot.com/2015/12/adf-performing-edit-in-table-from-pojo.html
is same from my previous post.
There are
certain changes in the application. They are :
Here I
have enabled Multiple row selection for the table from the property inspectior
<af:table var="row"
rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1"
I have
also created a binding of the table for getting the Multiple selected rows from the table.
Here is
the code of the of the Bean where I have created a method that will fetch the
selected rows from the table.
package edittableonpojo.view.bean; import edittableonpojo.view.dc.BookInfo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.data.RichTable; import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet; public class BookBean { private ArrayList<BookInfo> bookDtls = new ArrayList<BookInfo>(); private RichTable tableBinding; public BookBean() { bookDtls.add(new BookInfo("1A", "The Alchemist", "Paulo Cohelo")); bookDtls.add(new BookInfo("2A", "Game Of Thrones", "George R. R. Martin")); bookDtls.add(new BookInfo("3A", "Five Point Someone", "Chetan Bhagat")); bookDtls.add(new BookInfo("4A", "Harry Potter", "J.K.Rowling")); bookDtls.add(new BookInfo("5A", "Wings of Fire", "A.P.J Abdul Kalam")); } public ArrayList<BookInfo> getBookInfo() { return bookDtls; } public void printValues(ActionEvent ace){ for(BookInfo row : bookDtls){ System.out.println("Row : "+row.toString()); } } public void fetchSelectedValuesAL(ActionEvent actionEvent) { ArrayList<BookInfo> selectedRows = new ArrayList<BookInfo>(); RowKeySet keySet = getTableBinding().getSelectedRowKeys(); Iterator<Object> itr = keySet.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ // next gives the index of the selected row Object next = itr.next(); // here we have fetched the row on index from the bookDtls list selectedRows.add(bookDtls.get((Integer)next)); } System.out.println("Selected Rows are : "+selectedRows.toString()); } public void setTableBinding(RichTable tableBinding) { this.tableBinding = tableBinding; } public RichTable getTableBinding() { return tableBinding; } }
running the application , I have
selected Two rows from the table.
clicking "Get Selected Values" button.
Here is
the Sample Application : EditableTableOnPOJO.rar